Thursday, November 24, 2011

Grant Sergoyan

     Alright, to follow up my Thanksgiving post, I've got some fresh blood to offer you beat-sharks. The name is Grant Sergoyan, and he's got some real talent to be tapped into. I liken him to Avicii or Basto and you can hear the similarities really clearly, he has those same pianoesque synthes and progressive structure. What blows my mind is that he's started defining this sound for himself after only 6 months of being a producer and even more insane is that he's only 16 years old!
     Glad we found him so early in his career, and I'm glad I'm getting to share him with all of you guys. Be sure to check him out and give him that startup support he deserves, in a few years when he's headlining Tomorrowland, Moogfest, and ID fest, it'll be pretty sweet to say you heard him first.

original id by grant.sergo

Limitless by grant.sergo

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